...[God]...["will I make it to heaven?"]

I wonder about this from time to time. Only God knows who He will welcome into His glorious kingdom to spend eternity with Him. That’s my ultimate dream: to be in a forever embrace with my Creator! But will I make it? I don’t know. I understand fully that I’m not worthy. I’m trying my best to, that’s for sure, as I cannot bear the thought of eternal separate from Him. My worst nightmare isn’t hell itself, but rather hearing those terrifying words:

“I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” -Matthew 7:23

The thought of God not recognizing me…not acknowledging me at all, is unbearable. I can take any human being doing that nonsense…but God, no, no no. I would crumble. My heart would be shattered; broken forever in a way I’ll never be able to explain in words. I need Him every moment, every day, forever and ever (even if I didn’t know it!). I could live without everything else, but without Him? I would miss Him terribly. And that is an understatement.

I don’t often ask Him this question outright. Instead, I pray–constantly–that He will accept me in the end. I cling to the promise He has given us:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” -John 3:16

“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” -Romans 10:9

That is my hope, my faith and my trust combined! But even knowing this, I sometimes still feel unworthy. I know that I’m not good enough for God’s paradise. None of us are on our own. Yet, through His incredible grace and mercy, He makes a way for us. And I’ll take it with open arms!:

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast.” -Ephesians 2:8-9

I give Him ALL the glory here! God has told us what is required to be with Him in eternity. He has given us the narrow path to walk and it’s our choice (free will) to take that route:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” -Matthew 7:13-14

I want to be one of those who find it and make it home to my Father. Not out of fear, but out of love–because He first loved me. And His love is absolutely brilliant; extraordinarily cosmic! Before I ever existed, He planned for me to be! He thought of me, created me and called me by name long ago!:

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” -Jeremiah 31:3

And because of that love, I want to please Him. I want Him to be pleased with me. I want to follow Him; not just in words, but in action. How can I do that? By walking in His ways; His laws and commands:

“If you love me, keep my commands.” -John 14:15

“Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” -Philippians 2:12-13

Despite my fears, I remind myself of His faithfulness. He has promised to never leave me. He has assured me that nothing can separate me from His love:

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -Romans 8:38-39

That is why, despite my doubts, I hold onto this truth: He is my Shepherd. He knows me, and I know His voice. And He has promised that no one can snatch me from His hand:

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” -John 10:27-28

So I press on, striving to walk in His ways, hoping that when my time comes, I will hear the words I long for most:

“Well done, good and faithful servant! Come and share your masters happiness!” -Matthew 25:23

Until then, I will continue seeking Him, loving Him, and trusting that He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion (Philippians 1:6).

Lord, I pray: please help me to stay close to You. Help me to walk in Your truth and remain in Your love. And when my time comes, may I be found in You. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.

Until next time (tomorrow, basically):

I pray many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many blessings over you,


Rosalyn Rose

2 thoughts on “I’m Afraid to Ask…this Question…”

  1. “God is not religion, but a spiritual bond.”

    Thank you for your time and engagement in D.C. Rozie! There’s an idea I’d like to make in response to your post that coincides with my theory that consciousness is a fundamental force of nature and that it’s source is what human beings interpret as God. If this is true, then when we depart this life and rejoin with that source, we also interconnect with every single other form of consciousness that ever was and ever will be.

    This means that you become at one with all consciousness, and are therefore yourself all evildoers and their victims. As you become one with God, you are literally becoming one with all in existence. If you as the individual commit wrongs against another, then your experience of immediately and intricately understanding this will be hell, and if you did well towards your purpose here, then the harmony will be peace to you.

    I think that individuals who act against another do so most often because they are deeply emotionally wounded, and this is fundamental to understanding the incompatibility between the demands of Yahweh and the heavily eastern-influenced teachings of Christ. There is no need to fear the wrath of God, because that is a reinterpretation of an angered parent by a dozen or more men over thousands of years. Men seek to make the word of God law and they point to the very book itself as law, but the truth is that there are many holy books.

    The Qur’an, the Bible, and the Torah are the perspectives of our siblings in spirituality. To claim that any one narrative or statement is that of an absolute god is categorically false, because the aforementioned universal consciousness comprises itself of countless fragments in order to gain something new. It follows logically that that universal force might also communicate in the same fragmented manner, one lifetime at a time.

    Thus, it is our duty as divine fragments, to cultivate quality experiences and build upon our philosophies using the literal lifetimes of human records at our disposal. So, do not be afraid to commit any and all perspectives given by our fellow siblings in spirit into your inner world so that you can test them against the divine within. The way you test and develop your inner self is a precursor to how you enable yourself to act in the spirit of Christ.

    “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, that you may know the hope to which he has called you” – Ephesians 1:18

    1. Thank you for allowing me to interview you for my upcoming video. I promise to treat it with the utmost respect when I feature it with others. It may be a few weeks (depends on when I have the time to edit and I wanted to gain a few more before publishing it). I had to take a moment to really think before replying. I also appreciate your commenting here, and how thoughtful your responding is.

      Sure, I suppose consciousness can be interpreted as “God”. But what does that say about those who have met and known Him personally? For me, that’s the case. I know Him very well, from the onset of my life up to now. I’m in an actual relationship with Him, and by that I mean literally. If I ask Him a question, He answers. If I want to spend time, He’s here. Now, I know, that might sound impossible to many but I promise you that what I’m telling you is true. He even holds me tight and hugs me more times each day than I can count. What does He look like: I can’t say. He is bright/light when I encounter Him.

      I agree with so much of what you say. For instance, that “when we depart this life and rejoin with that source, we also interconnect with every single other form of consciousness that ever was and ever will be”. Everything is everything. All life is connected indeed. We are a part of God and He is a part of us. But He is the source of life. This place was designed by someone of extreme sufistication. One adjustment of the earth is its arrangement and we’re doomed, and yet that has never happened. Have you ever heard of the golden ratio? 

      Now, please, keep in mind that these are MY beliefs, and I understand that not everyone will agree with it, which I completely respect. Despite this, you are right. There is so much of what you’re saying that resonates with me. So much that I completely concur with. I don’t believe I am one with God, but that I am merely a piece of the puzzle that is us–life here on earth, and thus a part of Him (His breath of life that we hold temporarily during our time here).

      Negative (can) begat negative, and positive (can) begat positive–yes. I completely agree. But someone else’s wrongdoing is not my own (and neither is mine theirs; though we have the power to affect each other deeply with those actions), despite us all being interconnected. If anything, it is the result of what you’ve stated here: that people are hurting due to someone (if not multiple people) hurting them. We each have a choice about how we will handle the situations of life. It isn’t meant to be handled perfectly, let alone every time. If someone harms/hurts me, I don’t have to internalize it or pay it forward. I don’t have to take the blame either. I can just understand it for what it was: someone is having some sort of internal struggle that they don’t know how to solve just yet. There is hell and harmony, but there is also a spectrum of those extremes as well. I’m more or less quite neutral to be honest. 

      I think “Christ” and “Yahweh” have the same standards–to an exact. I’ve taken time to read and study Torah/Bible to understand this very concept. For me, they are one in the same, along with the Holy spirit. I know it to be true, not just because I study His word (daily now), but because I know Him personally (daily as well). As I’ve stated, I talk with Him and He speaks to me. We have full on conversations everyday, and when I find myself doing as He commands/directs me, it turns out just as He has predicted beforehand. I can boldly tell you that I love Him–more than anything ever in existance. For those who have never experienced Him in this way, there aren’t words to describe what one is missing out on; pure joy perhaps? I cannot say.

      I fear God, but not in the way that most view what “fear” is. I fear Him because He has ultimate power to end this whole thing whenever He desires, and yet…He doesn’t. That is just the tip of the iceberg of His mercy, especially for those who don’t acknowledge that there is indeed something (or rather someone) who keeps things running so smoothly; and it isn’t a human being. Someone so sovereign yet gentle deserves my utmost respect, and that “respect” is my “fear” of Him.

      There may be many “holy books”, and everyone has the right to choose for themselves what they wish to believe in. But for me, knowing God personally, beyond this “book” cemented my belief in Him forever. It is more than a religion. It is a true relationship with Him–really actually knowing Him! And yes, that is very possible, I promise you. The “laws” of His “book” are to help us–to keep us out of those horrible decisions we make based on what we feel is right, but don’t really know for sure. We’re just suddenly here one day, and learn what we can through experience, but it doesn’t have to be that way entirely. Most of us don’t know what we’re doing on this little planet and make so many mistakes that cause others as well as ourselves to be hurt and wounded. That law is a way to decrease those incidents, not eliminate them. And I’ve found that by living by them, it has done just that in my life. It is a way to protect myself, my life and those that I interact with. 

      Still, I don’t and will never push this on anyone, because I respect that others also have their freedom to choose for themselves. It’s such a personal topic that it’s only right for everyone to have that opportunity–freedom of choice. That’s what this life is all about: our choices. And those choices can make or break your experience. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have “cheat code” of sorts to help you through life…well, for me that’s the scriptures. It’s okay if you don’t agree, I respect that. But I write these blogs and make my videos for those who wish to know more, as I promised God that I would do that. There is no limit to what you can learn and how you can grow/change in your walk with Him. At least for me, that has been the case. 

      Yah, as I call Him, has my full commitment forever, and ever. He won my heart and my loyalty a long time ago the first time He revealed Himself to me. When I really took to time out to learn His story, it sealed the deal. I don’t believe in other faith’s/spiritualities, but I don’t hate, disrespect or try to change others who do. It’s all about what you choose to believe. But that doesn’t mean that we have to be enemies or have hate or try to change another. If anything, maybe what I say is just a little food for thought, but even if it isn’t, that’s okay too. My heart is open to my fellow man regardless.

      I really love your insight and invite you to share more of your thoughts with me. You have such an amazing spirit that I felt the minute I met you! I find your ideas fascinating, well thought out, and most of all, I’m so pleased to have the opportunity to speak with you about such matters. Not many these days are open to it, and it was a true delight to read this heartfelt response. Thank you Matthew. You’re so awesome. Please do, keep in touch. 



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