[My Grandmother] … [She Introduced Me To God]
Shabbat Shalom!
Welcome back to RozieLand! I can’t believe it’s been an entire month since this little website from my past has been revived! I’m happy with what it’s becoming, and I know I’m in the right place.
There’s a lot going on in the world. I live in the United States, where snow has covered the country, fires have burned through The City of Angels, mass deportations are amuck, and plane and helicopter crashes in DC are making headlines. It’s a crazy time to be an American in the USA. But honestly, the entire world is in chaos (only takes one google search to realize that)—our country just happens to be the most famous. Every race and culture lives here, and people from all over the world move here to build their lives. The mixture of everyone’s cultures has created an environment that other countries just can’t understand watching from the outside, so I suppose that’s why all eyes remain on us. But no matter where you are, life is fragile. People struggle everywhere. The recent plan accident reminded me of just how precious life truly is.
”Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” —Psalm 90:12
Just waking up each morning, having breath in my lungs and knowing I’m still here to make a difference—it’s something I can’t take for granted. We never know when our time is up here, and I hope to accomplish what God has sent me here to do before I go. I often ask myself: if today were my last day, what would be most important to me? Without a doubt, it would be my relationship with God. That’s what matters most because, through Him, all good things flow. He is the source of life itself.
So, what does all of this have to do with my favorite relative?
My grandmother.
She is the one who introduced me to God. She is one of the kindest people I’ve ever known and I’m honored to call her family! Though she endured many difficult seasons in her life since she was a small child, she never lost her faith (not for long at least). In fact, it only made her relationship with God even stronger through the years. She always had a heart of gold for others, proving that God’s glory shines even in the hardest of circumstances.
Because of her, my foundation in Christ is strong. She didn’t just talk about God—she lives for Him! I could feel the Holy Spirit when she prayed and sang. Her unwavering faith, her devotion and her deep love for Jesus were evident in everything she did. She was always intentional about teaching the next generation about why it is so important to love and serve God.
”Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” —Proverbs 22:6
”Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live in the land of the Lord your God is giving you.” —Exodus 20:12
I consider my grandmother to be one of my parents. She played such a vital role in raising me. I’ve spent many summers with her. She took time to tell so many people about God, never missing an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ, and encourage us to walk in His ways (explaining why it’s important to do so).
”Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” —Mark 16:15
One of my favorite things about her was our Sabbath tradition. Every Friday evening, she would lead our Shabbat service (praise and worship), and then we’d attend church on Saturday morning, followed by an entire day dedicated to Bible study, worship, and reflection.
”Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.” —Exodus 20:8-10
We talk every week via phone calls on the Sabbath, but miss those old days. I miss her prayers, her wisdom, and the warmth of her company. But carry her lessons in my heart. I’ll never forget how she showed me the importance of gratitude, of counting my blessings, and of always giving thanks to God—no matter the circumstances. Even now, those principles still reign in her heart. I take notes from how humble she is.
”Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” —1 Thessalonians 5:18
”Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” —Psalm 103:2
I am grateful for everything she poured into me and I admire her greatly. Her love, faith, strength and obedience to God set an example that I strive to follow every day. She planted seeds of truth in me, and now, as I walk my own journey of faith, I pray that I can do the same for others.
So, to my grandmother—my mentor in many ways—I thank you greatly. God really blessed me with an angle in disguise. Your legacy of faith continues to inspire me, and I will forever cherish the love and wisdom you’ve given me.
See you tomorrow.
I pray many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many blessings over you!
Rosalyn Rose
Is my favorite relative is my Aunt Toni.
Her real name was Loretta, but everyone called her Toni. She inspired me all through my life. I watched her become the person that strived in caring for others. Looking out for family, no matter what the cost.
She believed in God, and that her purpose was to share what she had and others.
I saw her suffer through many things in her life. I saw her do without many things in her life.
But it never stopped her from being the best she can be, and I thank God for letting me be a witness to who she was in this world.
Yes. I’ve only heard stories, but I suppose that she and her sister have that in common: their love for God and serving Him for the good of others! That’s what life is all about, it seems. Thank you for sharing. I love you! <3