…”not complicated”. (at all)

RozieLand sometimes feels like my own personal Facebook. So, am I “in a relationship” or nah? Well, I’ll tell you this much…about the most important relationship in my life—the one that lasts forever and ever:

When it comes to my relationship with God, the concept of “status” takes on a deeper, more profound meaning. Unlike human relationships, where status can change based on circumstances, misunderstandings, or feelings, God offered me a real relationship that is steadfast, eternal, and unshakable.

But what exactly can my relationship status be with God? Let’s explore this through the lens of Scripture:

I’m a Beloved Child

My relationship with God begins with His love for me.

”See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” —1 John 3:1

This status is unchanging. God doesn’t love me because of what I’ve done; He loves me because of who He is. As His child, I am cherished, protected and guided by His (right) hand.

Friend of God

Can you imagine being called a friend of God? It’s not just a possibility—it’s a reality for those who walk with Him. I can vouch for that! Jesus Himself extends this friendship to all of us:

”In longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, i have call you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” —John 15:15

This status means that God isn’t distant or uninterested in me life. He desires a close, intimate relationship where I can share my heart with Him, and He will guide my steps in truth and love.

Redeemed and Forgiven

Through Jesus, my relationship status is one of redemption. I’m no longer defined by my mistakes, sins, or failures. I have been forgiven and set free. I moved on and sinned no more:

”In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the rights of God’s grace.” —Ephesians 1:7

This status reminds me of this: that no matter how far I’d fallen God’s grace is greater. He has wiped the slate clean, given me a new beginning and future.

A Bride Awaiting the Bridegroom

In Scripture, the Church is often described as the bride of Christ, awaiting the day when we will all be fully united with Him in eternity. This relationship is one of love, devotion and hope:

”Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the weeding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.” —Revelation 19:7

This status reflects a future promise: the ultimate union with God, where all tears, pain and struggles will cease, and I will dwell with Him forever.

What Does This Mean for You?

Understanding my relationship status in God changes everything. It reminds me that:

  • I am loved beyond measure.
  • I am never alone—He is always with me.
  • I have a purpose and a calling to live out.
  • I am secure in Him, no matter what life throws my way.

How I Deepen My Relationship with God:

No matter where I am in my journey, my relationship with God can grow stronger every day. Here are some ways that I deepen my connection:

  • Spend time in prayer: I share my heart with God, and listen for His voice.
  • Read the Bible: Taking time to discover who He is and what He desires for my life.
  • Worship Him: Celebrating His goodness through song, service, and gratitude.
  • Trust Him: Surrendering my fears, doubts, and plans to His perfect will.

”Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” —Jae’s 4:8

My relationship status with God is more than a label or an option to click on and show my friends. It’s a reflection of His love, grace, and desire to be close to me. Whether I’m His child, His friend, servant, or part of His Bride, I’ll always remember this: I am deeply valued, eternally loved, and never forgotten. It’s unshakable, eternal, and defined by His unfailing love.

So, tell me, what’s your relationship status…with God?

I pray many many many many many many many many many many many blessings over you,


Rosalyn Rose