..."Right Here, Right Now", by Sarah Kroger.

Welcome back to RozieLand; a website hiding in plain sight.

The Power of Music

Have you ever heard a song that perfectly captured the mood you were in the moment it started to play? That happened to me today. It wasn’t planned and I didn’t even know the song beforehand, but there I was, sitting in a cafe, and it started playing over the hum of conversation and a news broadcast. It exuded a sense of peace, stability, hope, and love–qualities I deeply resonate with at the moment.

I really enjoy listening to music. It has some kind of calming, meditative effect on me; possibly because I am very hyperactive. I’d never heard the song before, and it immediately stood out to me. It felt as though it matched the energy I’ve been carrying this season–an energy of determination. Funny how music can influence not just a mood but an entire perspective.

If you haven’t heard it yet, I’ll just inform you now: it’s christian. That’s right, it’s a song about God. It’s a song about NOW! And finally I’m starting to actually feel like I too exist in the present day. I spent a lot of years feeling numb to life. I was in a stagnated state for a very long time, but then, God showed up and rescued me. I’d always known Him, but this time, He poured His love into me so much that I became brand new! It is because of Him that I’ve re-awakened RozieLand from her long slumber. Because God wants me to tell you something. I used to think these things mattered so much, but then I learned how much wisdom you can gain just from reading His Word. Let me explain using the subject of music:

The Bible often speaks about music as a way to worship and connect with God. King David used music to praise God and even to calm a troubled spirit (1 Samuel 16:23). Take note, the music altered Saul’s state of mind; even bringing him temporary peace:

And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.

And in heaven, angels and saints constantly sing praise to God, as described in Revelation 4:8:

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.

Music is a way to show gratitude. I sing to God nearly everyday. I’ve been singing to Him since I was very very young (around five years old, I think). I brings me peace to sing to Him, and sometimes, I even feel His love surrounding me even more than usual, because I sing. I’ve learned though observation, personal experience, and the Torah/Bible how music, whether instrumental or lyrical, has the power to uplight or bring down a mood. And that mood can influence how the moments in your day will go. Most of all, it has to capacity to connect us to something greater than ourselves.

Just a little food for thought…all because of a song.

What was the first song you listened to today?

The Creator of All Things

God is my best friend. He’s permanently seated at the center of my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! He makes me the most happy, and he gives me so much hope for my days. Whatever I do, I’m thinking of Him in some shape or form. As I listened, I couldn’t help but think about Him–the Creator of the universe. Do you believe there’s a God who created all we know? What do you believe in? And why do you believe in it? Has it always come through for you? These are questions I ask myself often, especially on days when life feels overwhelming. For me, God as always been there for me whenever I need Him. He always saves they day.

The Bible speaks of God’s presence in everything, even in the stillness. Psalm 46:10 says,

“Be still, and know that I am God.”

It’s a verse that reminds me to pause a look for Him in the unexpected, even in a random melody by Sarah Kroger playing in an old coffee shop. And things do have to be in a negative state in order to recognize his presence. As I mentioned, I think of Him very often. He’s in everything that I do, including this Human Abstract Gallery. I think He really wanted to show you something here, and I hope I can present it to His liking. For it there is only one person who accidentally stumbles upon this little website, but is able to take something constructive away from it, then I’d declare its role was fulfilled.

A Second First Day

The moment in the cafe became a “Second First Day” for me. That’s what I like to call days when I’m spiritually resetting something major in my life. Almost like a conscious rebirth of sorts, full of boldness, hope and determination to face what’s ahead.

For the first time in a long time, I actually feel alive. The song, with its peaceful yet resolute tone, felt like God’s gentle reminder that even in the chaos of the world, He is present, reassuring me that everything is okay and I’m on the right track.

So, what about you? Do you have that kind of relationship with God? Have you ever felt God’s presence in a moment you didn’t anticipate?

Maybe you don’t know Him. Maybe you don’t believe. But, if I’d could ask you to humor me, and catch a glimpse of what the life an authentic believer is like; through me. I’m not a christian. I just believe in God.

I often find myself reflecting deeply on something as simple as a three-minute tune playing on the radio overhead. Have you ever been unexpectedly moved by a seemingly small moment? It happens often to me nowadays.

Thanks again for visit RozieLand!

I pray many many blessings over you,


Rosalyn Rose